Campus scolastico Bottanuco

Bottanuco (BG), Italy
Competition entry


Floor plan – Level -1

Floor plan – Level 0

Floor plan – Level 1


Main elevations

School campus

A new school building is not only a place for learning but must be configured as a strong signal for the community to which it belongs by interacting with the urban context and weaving a dense network of social and territorial interactions.

Designing new schools is an action that looks to the future through a process that starts from the analysis of the necessities of people and communities of the present and shapes new effective and functional learning environments.

The architectural identity in support of these principles is aggregative and is achieved through an open volumetric system that allows maximum permeability of the complex, pursuing the goal of creating a new urban polarity.

On the ground floor the building is divided into three functional

macro-blocks identified by the orthogonal axes of pedestrian crossing: the two mirrored blocks of the primary school (to the north) and the secondary school (south of the axis) and a third block containing the auditorium and the library overlooking Via Papa Giovanni XXIII. On the first floor the volumes are merged giving the perception of a single complex. The two schools have therefore been intended as two separate volumes to highlight the different educational levels, with access to the ground floor that takes place through the “agora spaces” as per the “Miur Guidelines”.

The “classroom spaces” and “laboratory spaces” of both schools are located on the first floor and overlook another key element of the entire project: the internal courtyard. This “informal space” is represented by an architectural void with green areas where students can explore an out outdoor teaching.

The connective area that unites the aforementioned spaces is a mix of “informal spaces” and “individual spaces” in which students can find new ways of learning and collaborating with each other, through the use of configurable seats. From a formal point of view, the architectural concept defines the new volumes as pavilions delimited by curtains.

The structural solution is composed of load-bearing wooden elements: a grid of beams and pillars allows the creation of a light but highly performing structure, also guaranteeing high thermal and acoustic insulation properties. The same structure will also contribute to increasing the pleasantness of the interiors, together with the use of durable and sustainable finishing materials.